This past week the students of the Kaléo program had the opportunity to spend 5 days aboard The Pacific Grace. It was an amazing 5 days of digging deep into community and being challenged by the S.A.L.T.S. staff as well as Shane, the Kaléo Program Leader. The trip consisted of some very memorable moments. 
These included: the intentional conversations over meal times, day trips to land, climbing Mt. Norman, working together to raise and lower sails, swinging off of high heights into freezing water from the rope swing, nights of conversations on night watch and many more that I could continue to list off. One of my personal favourite moments was several students had the chance to share parts of their stories every night as we all crammed together in the hold of the ship.
These stories allowed for the community of the students to go even deeper as their inner-walls tumbled down and they testified to how God has actively been revealing himself in their lives. Overall, I think the trip was one that challenged and rejuvenated. This adventure also allowed the students to be completely unplugged from any technology at all except for cameras. I overheard many of the students remarking on how free they felt and that they didn’t even miss being connected to social media.
I personally found that being completely unplugged meant the days were slower and more peaceful and allowed for times of good conversation, reading and reflecting. As you can see below, one of the Kaléo Program students, Kyle Bauman, created a video of our adventure that accurately portrays the excitement the students experienced during this past week. The students have now returned to camp and they are once again being stretched and challenged in the classroom as they complete their post-course work for Camp and Youth ministry, taught by Prof. Sid Koop.
- Rachel Nelson, Kaléo Program Intern
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